Science activity
Articles (15) More info
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Shekhovtsov N.A.
, Nikolaenkova E.B.
, Vorobyeva S.
, Ryadun A.A.
, Bushuev M.B.
Coordination-driven molecular switch on the base of an ESIPT-capable pyrimidine ligand: Synthesis, fine-tuning of emission by the halide anion and theoretical studies Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-chemistry. 2025. V.459. 116091 . DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2024.116091 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Vorobyeva S.N.
, Bautina S.A.
, Shekhovtsov N.A.
, Nikolaenkova E.B.
, Sukhikh T.S.
, Golubeva Y.A.
, Klyushova L.S.
, Krivopalov V.P.
, Rakhmanova M.I.
, Gourlaouen C.
, Bushuev M.B.
N^N^C-Cyclometalated rhodium (III) complexes with isomeric pyrimidine-based ligands: unveiling the impact of isomerism on structural motifs, luminescence and cytotoxicity Dalton Transactions. 2024. V.53. P.8398-8416. DOI: 10.1039/d4dt00824c WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Vorobyeva S.N.
, Baidina I.A.
, Sukhikh T.S.
, Filatov E.Y.
, Plyusnin P.E.
Diversity of Crystal Structures in a System Containing Complex Ions [Pt(NH3)4]2+ and [Rh(C2O4)3]3– Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2024. V.65. N6. P.1114-1128. DOI: 10.1134/s0022476624060052 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Vorobyeva S.N.
, Rudzis Z.V.
, Sukhikh T.S.
, Filatov E.
, Plyusnin P.E.
, Nadolinnyi V.A.
, Bogomyakov A.
, Korenev S.
Double complex salts based on tetraamminplatinum(II) and vanadyl(IV) bisoxalate for the preparation of bimetallic Pt-V alloy New Journal of Chemistry. 2024. V.48. P.15894-15903. DOI: 10.1039/d4nj03084b WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Shekhovtsov N.A.
, Nikolaenkova E.B.
, Ryadun A.A.
, Vorob’eva S.N.
, Krivopalov V.P.
, Bushuev M.B.
Dual emission of ESIPT-capable 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-4-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyrimidines: interplay of fluorescence and phosphorescence New Journal of Chemistry. 2023. V.47. N13. P.6361-6377. DOI: 10.1039/d3nj00570d WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Shekhovtsov N.A.
, Nikolaenkova E.B.
, Vorob’eva S.N.
, Plyusnin V.F.
, Vinogradova K.A.
, Sukhikh T.S.
, Tikhonov A.Y.
, Bushuev M.B.
Luminescence of ESIPT-capable zinc(II) complexes with a 1-hydroxy-1H-imidazole-based ligand: exploring the impact of substitution in the proton-donating moiety Dalton Transactions. 2023. V.52. N23. P.8114-8134. DOI: 10.1039/d3dt01190a WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Shekhovtsov N.A.
, Vorob’eva S.
, Nikolaenkova E.B.
, Ryadun A.A.
, Krivopalov V.P.
, Gourlaouen C.
, Bushuev M.B.
Complexes on the Base of a Proton Transfer Capable Pyrimidine Derivative: How Protonation and Deprotonation Switch Emission Mechanisms Inorganic Chemistry. 2023. V.62. N41. P.16734-16751. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c02036 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Shekhovtsov N.A.
, Vinogradova K.A.
, Vorobyova S.N.
, Berezin A.S.
, Plyusnin V.F.
, Naumov D.Y.
, Pervukhina N.V.
, Nikolaenkova E.B.
, Tikhonov A.Y.
, Bushuev M.B.
N-Hydroxy–N-oxide photoinduced tautomerization and excitation wavelength dependent luminescence of ESIPT-capable zinc(ii) complexes with a rationally designed 1-hydroxy-2,4-di(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-imidazole ESIPT-ligand Dalton Transactions. 2022. V.51. N25. P.9818-9835. DOI: 10.1039/d2dt01232d WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Vorobyeva S.N.
, Shekhovtsov N.A.
, Baidina I.A.
, Sukhikh T.S.
, Tkachev S.V.
, Bushuev M.B.
, Belyaev A.V.
The saga of rhodium(III) nitrate complexes and their speciation in solution: An integrated experimental and quantum chemical study Polyhedron. 2022. V.211. P.115564. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2021.115564 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Vorobyeva S.N.
, Baidina I.A.
, Sukhikh T.S.
, Korolkov I.V.
, Belyaev A.V.
THE PREPARATION OF RHODIUM(III) NITRITE COMPLEXES WITH ETHYLENEDIAMINE Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2022. V.63. N4. P.569-579. DOI: 10.1134/S0022476622040072 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Gladysheva M.V.
, Plyusnin P.E.
, Vorobyeva S.N.
, Komarov V.Y.
, Tkachev S.V.
, Shubin Y.V.
, Korenev S.V.
COMPLEX SALT [Pd(NH3)4][Pd(NH3)3NO2][RhOx3]·H2O AS A PROSPECTIVE PRECURSOR OF Pd–Rh NANOALLOYS. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF Na3[RhOx3]·4H2O Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2021. V.62. N5. P.782-793. DOI: 10.1134/s0022476621050140 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Vasilchenko D.
, Vorobieva S.
, Baidina I.
, Piryazev D.
, Tsipis A.
, Korenev S.
Structure and properties of a rhodium(III) pentanitrato complex embracing uni- and bidentate nitrato ligands Polyhedron. 2018. V.147. P.69-74. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2018.03.017 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Vasilchenko D.
, Vorob'eva S.
, Tkachev S.
, Baidina I.
, Belyaev A.
, Korenev S.
, Solovyov L.
, Vasiliev A.
Rhodium(III) Speciation in Concentrated Nitric Acid Solutions European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2016. P.3822-3828. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201600523 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Vasiliev A.D.
, Molokeev M.S.
, Baidina I.A.
, Belyaev A.V.
, Vorob’eva S.N.
Arrangement of Rh3+ ions in factriamminetrichloridorhodium from powder data and in fac-triamminetrinitratorhodium crystals twinned by merohedry Acta Crystallographica Section C-crystal Structure Communications. 2013. V.C69. P.1462-1466. DOI: 10.1107/S010827011303076X OpenAlex |
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Logvinenko V.A.
, Belyaev A.V.
, Vorob’eva S.N.
Dehydration process of rhodium sulfate crystalline hydrate Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2013. V.114. N3. P.1177-1181. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-013-3083-6 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
Conference attendances (1) More info
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Shekhovtsov N.
, Vinogradova K.
, Vorobyova S.
, Berezin A.
, Plyusnin V.
, Ryadun A.
, Naumov D.
, Pervukhina N.
, Kokina T.
, Ishchenko A.
, Nikolaenkova E.
, Krivopalov V.
, Tikhonov A.Y.
, Bushuev M.
Proton transfer processes and luminescence of ESIPT-capable zinc(II) complexes with imidazole and pyrimidine ligands X International Voevodsky Conference Physics and Chemistry of Elementary Chemical Processes 05-09 Sep 2022 |